The BALANCE project takes into account the specificities of the consortium partners and is designed to encourage each Cambodian partner to adapt the learning outcomes and experiences acquired through the action to their contexts.

The project methodology foresees each activity output as determinant for the next steps and is designed as follows:

OUTCOME 1 – Analysis of Financial Management practices

  • Activity 1.1: Analysis of the Cambodian HE funding scheme + study of the Financial Management Practices within Cambodian HEIs.
  • Activity 1.2: Benchmarking of current Financial Models in European partners HE systems.
  • Activity 1.3: Conference regarding the good practices and approaches to efficient Financial Management and fundraising in Europe and Cambodia.

OUTCOME 2 - Capacity development. Enhancing of human capacity and skills of Cambodian consortium members in the area of Financial Management; Enhancing of Financial Management awareness in HEIs; discussion and changes fostering at institutional level.

  • Activity 2.1: Development of Training plan and learning resourses according to the need anaysis.
  • Activity 2.2: Modernisation and Strengthening of Human Capacities through 5 Training Workshops targeting Financial Management staff.
  • Activity 2.3 Workshops replication at institutional level targeting financial managers at Cambodian HEIs, including external to the consortium.

OUTCOME 3 – Institutional development. Modernisation of the Financial Management units and development of action plans to improve Financial Management.

  • Activity 3.1: Modernisation of IT infrastructure at Financial Management units.
  • Activity 3.2 : Development of specific Action Plans for the Financial Management of the Cambodian HEIs.
  • Activity 3.3 : Drafting Good Practice Guide for Financial Management at HEIs.

OUTCOME 4 – Strategic development: Harmonisation of Financial Management practices in Cambodian public HE system.

  • Activity 4.1 : Drafting White Paper on Financial Model for the Cambodian public HE system
  • Activity 4.2 : Creation of a communication platform for Cambodian public HE system that will provide tools for information-sharing.
  • Activitiy 4.3: Organisation of two National Conferences to present project results and lessons learnt, involving local stakeholders dealing with Financial Management in Cambodia.